Jabberwock Dragon Siege (2011) [Dual Audio] [Hindi-English
Jabberwock Dragon Siege (2011) [Dual Audio] [Hindi-English
Ratings: 3.4/10
Directed by: Steven R. Monroe
Released On: 10 September 2011
Genre(s): Action | Adventure | Fantasy
Star Cast: Tahmoh Penikett, Kacey Barnfield, Raffaello Degruttola
Synopsis: The brave knight Francis returns to his homeland to call his older brother. Soon resume friendship with his former love. The romantic idyll, however, interfere with the emergence of a powerful beast – half dragon, half-insect, which begins to terrorize his family around the village. After unsuccessful attempts to defeat the monster, knight, as predicted, make a sword, which has extraordinary properties. Equipped with a magic weapon decides to get rid of the surrounding towns terrible predators
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